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The Maple Couple 加拿大升學計數機

The Maple Couple 為多間首屈一指 公立大專學府 官方合作夥伴,協助香港人 以The Maple Couple獨有快速通道,報讀課程。


,我們的 Pick Your College Calculator 會協助你選擇最適合課程,儘快抵達加拿大升學。


第1步: 你的目標


你希望修讀哪些學科? (可選多項)

你希望修讀 Diploma 課程,Post Graduate課程, 還是 一年MBA課程?


The information on this website does NOT constitute any immigration advice. The information provided is for informational purposes only. This may not cover all possible solutions. Although we attempt to provide accurate and up-to-date information, no guarantee is made to that effect. The information collected is for school admission only. All personal data will be deleted 6 months after students are admitted to school